Computer Application, Maintenance and Supplies

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Phone on a USB

Skype, the program that makes it easy to have telephone conversations over the internet, is one of the most useful programs ever created for the PC. However, it can be frustrating and inconvenient to pitch up at a computer and discover that the program isn’t installed.

Fortunately, it’s relatively straightforward to get around this by putting a copy of Skype on a USB memory key and carrying it around – then, when the time comes to make a call, just plug the key into a spare socket and run the program as normal. Well, almost as normal. As this step by step guide explains, with only the smallest amount of tinkering it is possible to have Skype always on hand, whichever PC you’re using.

Don’t have Skype? Go to, download and install the software. Plug in a USB memory key and then double-click on My Computer, the main drive (usually C) then open these folders – Program Files, Skype and Phone. Open the USB key and then click and drag the Skype icon over from the hard disk to the USB key window. Next, right-click there and choose New, and then Folder and call it ‘Data’. Make sure the Skype program and the Data folder are stored at the key’s top level and not inside any other folders.

Next, click the Start button and choose All Programs, Accessories and then Notepad. We’re going to use this to create a small launch command that will make our USB-based version of Skype work properly. Type the following, exactly (including the spaces): skype.exe /datapath:"Data" /removable. Then click File, Save As and when the dialogue box opens, open the dropdown menu next to Save as type and choose All Files. Type in Skype.bat as the file name and save the file onto the memory key next to the copied Skype program.

Switch back to the open USB key window and scroll through the list of files. See the new one called Skype? To start the portable version of Skype we’ve created, double-click on this icon (be sure to choose the one that says MS-DOS Batch underneath it, not the original blue and white Skype icon). After a moment an odd-looking black window (a DOS window) appears and disappears, followed by the Skype program. Either create a new account or sign in with an existing name and password to continue and use the program as normal.

1 komentar :

pengobatan untuk sembuhkan epilepsi said...

Setelah sayah membaca semua isi disini,sungguh sangat louarbiasa ini pengalaman baru dan banyk sekali hal-hal yang sayah dapatkan setelah membacanya

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