Google Voice Adds Multiple Text Recipients
Previously, you had to copy and paste your message into a new form for every text, but now you can just enter the names or phone numbers separated by commas and send it all at once. To prevent spam, however, there is a max of five numbers per text.
"Replies from each recipient will be threaded into separate conversations, so you can keep track of them in your Google Voice inbox," Google wrote in a blog post.
The feature is also available via the Google Chrome extension and will soon be added to the mobile app, Google said.
In other Google news, the company announced Tuesday that users can now "star" their favorite stories in Google News, much like they do in Gmail and Google Reader. If there are updates on a topic you have starred, Google will bold the headline for easy access, and keep your 20 most recent starred stories in a special "Starred" section in Google News.
3 komentar :
kulle tojeng anne cikali??
@To Mangkasara'
untuk sementara masih proses awal dr program baru Google ini
seperti Gmail pd awalnya, juga yg lg berlangsung saat ini yakni Google Wave
User akan mendapat undangan dari Google agar bs menggunakan Google Voice
Ambae.exe pun msh menunggu undangan/invoet dimaksud
klo Google Wave uda lama Ambae.exe menggunakannya bahkan telah mengundang beberapa teman sebanyak 8 orang tuk ikut berpartisipasi
silakan kunjungi Google Voice dan tinggalkan emailnya disana dengan harapan mendapat iNVITE dari Google
sangat menarik dan penuh hal hal baru
lanjutkan gan memposting yang lainnya , ditunggu
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