Computer Application, Maintenance and Supplies

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Toyota Motor Corp. Ehime. help Bonthain

General Manager of Toyota Japan Hidekazu admitted Futagami impressed with the rapid development in the District of Bantaeng in the last year. Its construction is very fast when only a year, he said when reviewing the landfill project and development plans Prof. hospital. Dr. H. M. Anwar Makkatutu, precisely on Friday September 11, 2009. Bos Ehime Toyota Motor Corporation reached the Bantaeng with Chief Mechanic Nangoku Netz Toyota Corporation, Seiichi Yamamoto and Takashi Fujie. This is the third time Hidekazu Futagami come to the district nicknamed this Toa Butta.

Arrival time to see the utilization of Toyota Japan Ehime assistance of Prof. hospital facilities. Dr. H. M. Anwar Makkatutu some time ago. Help for a hospital patient beds and other facilities. Ambulance assistance was 5 units and 1 unit of the Fire Department vehicle has yet to be realized because there are still technical obstacles to the delivery of Indonesia. Still, he promised to send more aid to districts led by alumni of Japan (DR. Nurdin Abdullah). In principle we do not restrict any assistance to be provided Ehime Japan Toyota, light Bantaeng Regent Beach while watching the accumulation of Chrysanthemum with the gentleman.

Whose name help, whatever will we receive, added to Hidekazu Futagami Nurdin who speak in Japanese. He then expressed his admiration for Regent building Bantaeng launched. Chrysanthemum beach is now filled up as far as 200 meters towards the sea for the construction of 5-story hospital is expected to be a referral hospital in the southern region SulSel. Not yet clear, whether there is further assistance from the Ehime Toyota on the construction of the hospital, but who clearly support the bed as much as 100 units are used, added the Director Prof. Dr. H. M. Anwar Makkatutu (Dr. H. Syafruddin Nurdin, M. Kes).

According Syafruddin, Bantaeng hospitals are not only expected to be a referral center in South SulSel but also will be Trauma Center. This is the need to address the rapid development of mega-project The New Bantaeng. To restore the area once the center of government (Cambodgien) in the south SulSel.

Attention of the world's largest automotive company was against the district is 120 Kilometers south of Makassar, the relevant regions dijadikannya Bantaeng as built in Sulawesi, which marked the script signing of cooperation between the Regency. Ehime Bantaeng and Toyota on January 21, 2009 that then. Done signing between Regent Bantaeng (HM Nurdin Abdullah) with the President of Ehime Toyota Motor Corp. (Yokota Hideka). Signatories to the agreement when the manuscript was witnessed by Prof.. Dr. Eng Ryuichi Yatabe (Ehime University Provost), Member of Parliament Bantaeng District and the official in this area. The deal was among others in the provision of infrastructure by Toyota Motor Corp. Ehime. While the Regency. Bantaeng guarantee to provide protection and security. In the agreement also appointed coordinators entrusted to the Regional Secretary (H. Shamsuddin). If future cooperation benefits both parties bring, God willing, will be local revenue (PAD).

The foundation makes Bantaeng District as an area built, partly because the mutual relationships and mutual understanding needs to be supported Bantaeng district legislature. There was also intended as promotion of regional potentials and resources in it to increase public welfare.

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